AI Examples | 示范
2017-All-in-one Docker image for Deep Learning
: An all-in-one Docker image for deep learning. Contains all the popular DL frameworks (TensorFlow, Theano, Torch, Caffe, etc.)
: 📚 Papers and blogs by organizations sharing their work on data science & machine learning in production.
Infinity in Deep Learning 深度学习“无限”精彩 #Series#: My continuously updated Machine Learning, Probabilistic Models and Deep Learning notes and demos (2000+ slides) 我不间断更新的机器学习,概率模型和深度学习的讲义(2000+页)和视频链接
2020-Data Science Topics 🗃️: Collection of useful data science topics along with articles and videos.
Pure Python
: Python codes implementing algorithms described in Bishop’s book “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning”.
: 🤖 Python examples of popular machine learning algorithms with interactive Jupyter demos and math being explained
2015-Lectures on scientific computing with Python: Lectures on scientific computing with python, as IPython notebooks.
2017-Top Deep Learning Projects
: A list of popular github projects related to deep learning (ranked by stars).
: Browse seeds from a list of different kinds of machine learning examples and use the top level categories to narrow your search according to your interests.
: Ever wish you had an inefficient but somewhat legible collection of machine learning algorithms implemented exclusively in numpy? No?
AI Playbook
: This site is designed as a resource for anyone asking those questions, complete with examples and sample code to help you get started.
2019-Machine Learning Notebooks
: A series of Jupyter notebooks that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Python using Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow 2.
2015-TensorFlow Examples: This tutorial was designed for easily diving into TensorFlow, through examples. For readability, it includes both notebooks and source codes with explanation.
2016-Deep Learning Using TensorFlow: This repository contains the code for TensorFlow Tutorial for Deep Learning from Starting to End. All the code is written using Python3.
2017-Deep Learning 21 Examples
: 本工程是《21 个项目玩转深度学习———基于 TensorFlow 的实践详解》的配套代码,代码推荐的运行环境为:Ubuntu 14.04,Python 2.7、TensorFlow >= 1.4.0。请尽量使用类 UNIX 系统和 Python 2 运行本书的代码。
2017-TensorFlow Models by Sarasra
: This repository contains a number of different models implemented in TensorFlow: the official models, the research models, the samples folder and the tutorials folder.
Android TensorFlow Machine Learning Example
: This article is for those who are already familiar with machine learning and know how to the build model for machine learning(for this example I will be using a pre-trained model).
: Bare bone examples of machine learning in TensorFlow.
2018-Deep Learning Using TensorFlow
: This repository contains the code for TensorFlow Tutorial for Deep Learning from Starting to End. All the code is written using Python3.
2018-TensorFlow Project Template
: A simple and well designed structure is essential for any Deep Learning project, so after a lot of practice and contributing in tensorflow projects here’s a tensorflow project template that combines simplcity, best practice for folder structure and good OOP design.
2018-Beginner TensorFlowjs Examples in Javascript
: This is the easiest set of Machine Learning examples that I can find or make. I hope you enjoy it.
: Make NLP Flow in TensorFlow
2019-TensorFlow in Practice 🎥: In this four-course Specialization, you’ll explore exciting opportunities for AI applications. Begin by developing an understanding of how to build and train neural networks.
: Notebooks for learning deep learning.
Pytorch Examples: A set of examples around pytorch in Vision, Text, Reinforcement Learning, etc.
PyTorch Tutorial
: This repository provides tutorial code for deep learning researchers to learn PyTorch. In the tutorial, most of the models were implemented with less than 30 lines of code. Before starting this tutorial, it is recommended to finish Official Pytorch Tutorial.
- 2015-Trained image classification models for Keras
: Keras code and weights files for popular deep learning models.
- 2014-Kaggle Tutorial: 基于旅馆推荐比赛实例的完整教程。