
WMS List

  • 2018-JeeWMS : 本 WMS 基于 JAVA 的仓库管理系统(支持 3PL(三方物流)和厂内物流),包含 PDA 端和 WEB 端,功能涵盖 WMS,OMS,BMS(计费管理系统),TMS,成功应用于多家国内知名大客户,客户群体:冷链,干仓,快消品,新能源汽车等行业

  • 2020-GreaterWMS : This Inventory management system is the currently Ford Asia Pacific after-sales logistics warehousing supply chain process . After I leave Ford , I start this project . In order to help some who need it . OneAPP Type . Support scanner PDA, mobile APP, desktop exe, website as well .
