
CG List | 图形与数据可视化资料索引


  • 2018-Aminer 计算机图形学研究报告: 计算机图形学是计算机科学领域的重要研究方向之一,图形学技术也在社会生活和生产的各个领域得到应用。本研究报告对计算机图形学进行了简单梳理。



  • Ke-Sen Huang’s Home Page #Blog#: My research interests include: animation synthesis, animation summarization, and motion retrieval.

  • 李康 #Blog#: 我的主要专业兴趣是几何建模与处理,计算机图形学及实时渲染,计算机辅助设计和制造,数值方法与人工智能。在校期间大部分研究课题是由美国国家科学基金会和空军研究实验室赞助,一些论文也在知名会议获得过最佳论文奖。


  • 2001-Michael Abrash-Graphics Programming》📚: Markdown source for Michael Abrash’s Graphics Programming Black Book

  • 2005-The Grammar of Graphics (Statistics and Computing)》📚: This fascinating book deconstructs the process of producing graphics and in doing so raises many fascinating questions on the nature and representation of information

  • 2010-Botsch-Polygon Mesh Processing》📚: Geometry processing, or mesh processing, is a fast-growing area of research that uses concepts from applied mathematics, computer science, and engineering to design efficient algorithms for the acquisition, reconstruction, analysis, manipulation, simulation, and transmission of complex 3D models. Applications of geometry processing algorithms already cover a wide range of areas from multimedia, entertainment, and classical computer-aided design, to biomedical computing, reverse engineering, and scientific computing.

  • 2010-Real-Time Rendering-3rd》📚: 在实时渲染和计算机图形学领域,《Real-Time Rendering》系列书籍一直备受推崇。有人说,它是实时渲染的圣经,也有人说,它是绝世武功的目录。其实《Real-Time Rendering》很像一整本图形学主流知识体系的论文综述,它涵盖了计算机图形和实时渲染的方方面面,可做论文综述合集了解全貌,也可作案头工具书日后查用。

  • 2020-Computer Graphics from Scratch》📚: Computer Graphics from Scratch demystifies the algorithms used in modern graphics software with basic programming and high school math.


  • 2020-WebGL Insights》📚: WebGL Insights presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators. By focusing on current and emerging techniques , WebGL Insights demonstrates the breadth and depth of WebGL. Readers will gain practical skills to solve problems related to performance, engine design, shader pipelines, rendering, mobile devices, testing, and more.


  • 2019-fun-with-graphics 🗃️: 这里主要整理了图形学相关的高校课程、书籍、教程、文章、博客、资源、研究者主页、实验室主页、视频频道、开源项目、网站等。

  • 2021-3D-Machine-Learning : In recent years, tremendous amount of progress is being made in the field of 3D Machine Learning, which is an interdisciplinary field that fuses computer vision, computer graphics and machine learning. This repo is derived from my study notes and will be used as a place for triaging new research papers.


  • John C. Hart Coursera

  • 2020-Geometry Processing Course 🎥 : Course material for a grad-level course in Geometry Processing.

  • 2020-Digital Geometry Processing 🎥: This course provides an introduction to digital geometry processing, a subfield of computer graphics. This course will cover basic mathematical foundations for studying 3D surfaces from a discrete differential geometric standpoint and present the full geometry processing pipeline, including mesh representation, mesh smoothing, parameterization, remeshing, decimation and surface deformation.

    • 2020-AMMesh : The code of lesson “Digital Geometry Processing” with ACAM frame