Design Pattern List
2017-Design Patterns for Humans: A topic that can easily make anyone’s mind wobble. Here I try to make them stick in to your mind (and maybe mine) by explaining them in the simplest way possible.
2017-10 Common Software Architectural Patterns in a nutshell
The Command Pattern Using Higher Order Functions: If your team is used to functional programming, then know that design patterns like the Command pattern can be used in a functional way as well.
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- Refactoring Guru》📚:Design patterns are typical solutions to common problems in software design. Each pattern is like a blueprint that you can customize to solve a particular design problem in your code.
2017-Design Patterns JS : All the 23 (GoF) design patterns implemented in Javascript
2017-Design Patterns in TypeScript : Here are the implementations of the following design patterns in TypeScript.
Creational Pattern
- 2018-Elegant patterns in modern JavaScript: Ice Factory: An Ice Factory is just a function that creates and returns a frozen object.
Behavioral Pattern
- Learning Observable By Building Observable: Observable is just a function that takes an observer and returns a function.
Language Implementation
Design patterns implemented in Java : This site showcases Java Design Patterns. The solutions have been developed by experienced programmers and architects from the open source community.
- go-patterns : Curated list of Go design patterns, recipes and idioms.