String Algorithms List
Pattern Match
VerbalExpressions : VerbalExpressions 是非常不错的正则表达式辅助生成工具。
Multiple Pattern Match
Biosequence Algorithms, Spring 2005 Lecture 4: Set Matching and Aho-Corasick Algorithm
Javascript implementation of Aho-Corasick Algorithm for Pattern Searching
Regex Expression List | 正则表达式资料索引
2018-Exploring the Linguistics Behind Regular Expressions: what does he have to do with regular expressions? Hell, what does he even have to do with computer science?
learn-regex: Learn regex the easy way.
正则表达式的拆分: 对于一门语言的掌握程度怎么样,可以有两个角度来衡量:读和写。
2018-正则表达式真的很 6: 本文旨在用最通俗的语言讲述最枯燥的基本知识。
2018-藏在正则表达式里的陷阱: Java 正则表达式使用的引擎实现是 NFA 自动机,这种正则表达式引擎在进行字符匹配时会发生回溯(backtracking)。
Verbal Expressions : Verbal Expressions 是非常不错的正则表达式辅助生成工具。
Regexper : These diagram are a straight-forward way to illustrate what can sometimes become very complicated processing in a regular expression, with nested looping and optional elements.
safe-regex : detect possibly catastrophic, exponential-time regular expressions