



  • Learn Structured Query Language 🎥: SQL Tutorial of w3resource aims to meet the need of a beginner to learn SQL without any prior experience.

  • 2018-SQLBolt 🎥: Welcome to SQLBolt, a series of interactive lessons and exercises designed to help you quickly learn SQL right in your browser.


Schema Design

  • Tutorial: Step by Step Database Design in SQL: Database Design and Implementation is applicable for whatever industry your in. Here is a step by step approach to designing and implementing a database in your organisation, using specific data from a sweet shop case study I implemented during my M.Sc. in Software & Information Systems.

  • 2020-A humble guide to database schema design: Having a good database schema design is crucial for building applications that will need to scale in traffic and complexity. If you happen to do a bad design choice you will see that it takes a lot of effort to stop the pattern from propagating to your backends’ services and controllers, and finally to your frontend.