
Web Feedback Widgets List | 反馈

Loading | 加载

Spin | 自旋式加载中

Skeleton & Placeholder | 骨骼式加载中

  • react-content-loader : React component that uses SVG to create a collection of loaders which simulates the structure of the content that will be loaded, similar to Facebook cards loaders.

  • blurhash : A very compact representation of a placeholder for an image.

Progress | 进度条

Popover | 气泡卡片

Tooltip | 提示

Alert | 警告提示

Message | 全局提示

Notification | 通知提醒框


  • Rough Notation : A small JavaScript library to create and animate annotations on a web page.


  • Talk : Our open-source commenting platform, Talk, rethinks how moderation, comment display, and conversation function, creating the opportunity for safer, smarter discussions around your work.