Web Experience Tuning List | Web 体验优化
Robust: 健壮性
- Robust Client-Side JavaScript: Why do we need to talk about robust JavaScript and how do we achieve it?
Koa11y : Easily check for website accessibility issues.
2017-Web Content Accessibility Guidelines—for People Who Haven’t Read Them: In a single article—what gifts the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 editors have bestowed upon us.
Sizzy :A tool for developing responsive websites crazy-fast. Sizzy 是辅助开发者预览网页在不同屏幕分辨率下显示效果的工具,它能够在同一页上列举出目标网页在多个设备上的显示效果,从而加速响应式开发的速度。
React SizeME: Make your React Components aware of their width, height and position.
Device.js : 面向不同的设备选用不同的布局代码
2013-Media Queries Are Not The Answer: Element Query Polyfill
The pro’s guide to responsive web design: Advanced techniques from top web designers to build better sites for any device.
Media Query: 媒介查询
2017-Common Responsive Layouts with CSS Grid (and some without!): Example code for you to try out, change and make your own.