Web Animation List
2016-A Guide to Browser Scroll Animations: In this article, we’ll look at multiple options for implementing scroll animations, from building them from scratch yourself to using some existing libraries.
2017-CSS Glitch Effect: An experimental glitch effect powered by CSS animations and the clip-path property. Inspired by the technique seen on the speakers page of the 404 conference.
CSS3 Animation
2016-Smooth as Butter: Achieving 60 FPS Animations with CSS3: We want to give you a hand in harnessing the power of CSS3 correctly. To do just that we need to understand a few things first.
2017-A quick introduction to CSS animations: In this article you’ll learn the basics CSS animations, which allows you to gradually change an element’s style from one state to another.
2017-CSS Animations vs the Web Animations API: A Case Study: Last week, I wrote about how I created the bitsofcode logo animation with CSS. After that, it was suggested that I attempt a comparison between a CSS animation and the Web Animations API, so here it is!
How to Use CSS Animations Like a Pro: Create animation magic using keyframes, animation properties like timing, delay, play state, animation-count, iteration count, direction, fill mode and will-change.
2014-Myth Busting: CSS Animations vs. JavaScript: Jack does a lot of work with animations in the browser and has discovered that the generic opinion that “CSS is faster” just isn’t true. It’s more than that, as well. I’ll let him explain.
Keyframes: Delivering scalable, high-quality animations to mobile clients
JavaScript Animation
Animation Engine:动画引擎
: Super easy magic-move transitions for React apps. 能够在不同的页面间指定相同 ID 的元素,Overdrive 会自动为这两个元素之间添加转场动画。
: Tools for smoother shape animations.
Animation Case | 动画案例
: A javascript library that makes your page dance.