Node.js Learning & Practices List | Node.js 资料索引
Why the Hell Would You Use Node.js: This article comes from Tomislav Capan, technical consultant and Node.js enthusiast. Tomislav originally published this in August 2013 in the Toptalblog — you can find the original post here; the blog has been slightly updated. The following subject matter is based on the opinion and experiences of this author.
Case Study & Practices
2019-Node.js 在携程的落地和最佳实践: 本文主要介绍在携程,Node.js 技术栈是如何从 0 到 1 进行技术落地的,以及在不断磨合的过程中,总结出来的最佳实践。
2021-Node.js Best Practices: ✅ The Node.js best practices list (February 2021)
Book & Course
2017-Practical Node.js》📚: Practical Node is a work of 30+ in-person courses, workshops and classes delivered by me in-person at various companies.
2017-Node.js 实践教程》📚:本教程的初衷是做一个 Node.js 进阶的视频教程, 在撰写 node-interview 之后, 觉得按照概念依次讲下来不好组织, 于是决定按照以一些有名的模块 / 功能为基础, 在实现的过程中讲解各项知识点。
2018-The definitive Node.js handbook #Series#: This article is a getting started guide to Node.js, the server-side JavaScript runtime environment.
Tutoria | 教程
2017-Node.js 8: util.promisify(): Node.js 8 has a new utility function: util.promisify(). It converts a callback-based function to a Promise-based one.
2017-Learn Node.js in 8 hours [For Beginners]: Node.js is also open source, completely free, and used by thousands of developers around the world.
2017-The Definitive Guide to Object Streams in Node.js: Node.js Streams come with a great power: You have an asynchronous way of dealing with input and output, and you can transform data in independent steps. In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through the theory, and teach you how to use object stream transformables, just like Gulp does.
npm install 原理分析: 开门见山,npm install 大概会经过上面的几个流程,本篇文章来讲一讲各个流程的实现细节、发展以及为何要这样实现。
Commandline Tool | 命令行工具
Caporal.js: A full-featured framework for building command line applications (cli) with node.js
auto-sni:Free, automated HTTPS for NodeJS made easy.