Web Debug List
- debug : tiny node.js & browser debugging utility for your libraries and applications.
Chrome Dev Tools
More helpful (and lesser known) features in the Chrome dev tools
2017-Mastering Chrome Developer Tools: Next Level Front-End Development Techniques
Sync Tools: 同步工具
Introducing Vorlon.js: How to Use It to Debug Your Javascript Remotely
vConsole:一个针对手机网页的前端 console 调试面板。
Logging: 日志记录
How to get the most out of the JavaScript console: One of the most basic debugging tools in JavaScript is console.log(). The console comes with several other useful methods that can add to a developer’s debugging toolkit.
Browser console debugging tips for arrays & objects using groups and tables
High-resolution JavaScript timer based on performance.mark/measure (461 bytes min+gz)
Memory Leak
2017-Debugging memory leaks in web applications using iframes
2017-How JavaScript works: memory management + how to handle 4 common memory leaks
2018-Tracing from JS to the DOM and back again: Debugging memory leaks in Chrome 66 just became much easier. Chrome’s DevTools can now trace and snapshot C++ DOM objects and display all reachable DOM objects from JavaScript with their references. This feature is one of the benefits of the new C++ tracing mechanism of the V8 garbage collector.