JavaScript DataStructure List
Basic DataType
Null & Undefined | 空类型
7 tips to handle undefined in JavaScript: When I started to learn JavaScript about eight years ago, a bizarre situation for me was the existence of both undefined and null that represent empty values. What is the clear difference between them? They both seem to define empty values, and moreover the comparison null == undefined evaluates to true.
Type Coercion | 类型转换
- 2018-JavaScript type coercion explained: Type coercion is the process of converting value from one type to another.
Template Literals
Codec | 编码
Regular Expressions | 正则表达式
2015-New regular expression features in ECMAScript 6: This blog post explains new regular expression features in ECMAScript 6.
Regular Expressions in a post-ES6 world: In this article we’ll take a look at regular expressions in and after ES6. There’s a couple of regular expressions flags which were introduced in ES6: the /y or sticky flag, and the /u or Unicode flag. Then we’ll discuss five proposals which are making their way through the ECMAScript specification development process at TC39.