Go Tuning List
2020- 技术分享之golang 构建分布式任务系统: 如何使用golang 构建一个分布式的任务系统? 该任务系统搞了几个月,有一些经验心得分享给大家。 -
2019- 字节跳动Go RPC 框架KiteX 性能优化实践: KiteX 自2020.04 正式发布以来,公司内部服务数量8k+ ,QPS 过亿。经过持续迭代,KiteX 在吞吐和延迟表现上都取得了显著收益。本文将简单分享一些较有成效的优化方向,希望为大家提供参考。
- 2022-go-profiler-notes
: I found that Go has a lot of profilers and there are many tools for looking at the data, but that there is very little information on what any of it means. So in order to make sure that I know what I’m talking about, I’ve started to research the existing profilers and how they work. This repository is my attempt to summarize my findings in the hope that it might be useful to others.
Performance Optimization | 性能优化
[ 转][ 译] 百万级WebSockets 和Go 语言: 即使你对WebSockets 熟悉但对Go 语言知之甚少,我还是希望这篇文章里讲到的性能优化的思路和技术对你有所启发。 -
2018-Golang 高性能实战: CDN 刷新系统 是一个高性能、可扩 展的分布式系统. 支持全网刷新及预缓存业务。