Git List
《Git recipes》📚: 高质量的 Git 中文教程,来自国外社区的优秀文章和个人实践
2007-《Git Magic》📚: Rather than go into details, we provide rough instructions for particular effects. After repeated use, gradually you will understand how each trick works, and how to tailor the recipes for your needs.
- my-git : Individual collecting material of learning git(有关 git 的学习资料)
2017-Better Git configuration: I recently took some time to really dig in, read through documentation, and review my global Git configuration.
2017-A Guide to Single Branch Development with Git: This post is aimed at people who have read my last one which you can read here on my website and all those who want to learn more about how to incorporate git into their solo developer workflow.
2017-How to master the art of Git: Step up your software development game with 7 simple Git commands.
2018-GIT Good: A Practical Introduction to GIT and GitHub (Hello GitHub)
2020-LearnGitBranching: An interactive git visualization to challenge and educate!
Git tips: 常用的 Git 小技巧
2018-Flight rules for git: Flight Rules are the hard-earned body of knowledge recorded in manuals that list, step-by-step, what to do if X occurs, and why. Essentially, they are extremely detailed, scenario-specific standard operating procedures. […]
2017-Merging vs. Rebasing: While merging and rebasing are similar in Git, they serve two different functions. Here’s what you should know to keep your histories as clean or as complete as you like.
2017-Why you should stop using Git rebase: After using Git for several years, I found myself gradually using more and more advanced Git commands as part of my daily workflow.
Git Internals
2018-Git 原理入门: 这篇文章用一个实例,解释 Git 的运行过程,帮助你理解 Git 的原理。
Git 的核心概念: 本文不是 Git 使用教学篇,而是偏向理论方面,旨在更加深刻的理解 Git,这样才能更好的使用它,让工具成为我们得力的助手。
2017-Git 由浅入深之存储原理:本来计划本篇介绍 Git 分支的相关知识点与操作,但是准备的过程中发现涉及到很多内部存储原理,决定先介绍一下 Git 存储原理,明白了这些,有助于理解后续内容,对 Git 的使用也会有很大帮助。
2017-Understanding Git Filter-branch and the Git Storage Model