对于只有一个业务的简单场景,并不需要扩展,问题也不突出,这也是为什么这个点经常被忽略的原因,因为我们大部分的系统都是从单一业务开始的。但是随着支持的业务越来越多,代码里面开始出现大量的 if-else 逻辑,这个时候代码开始有坏味道,没闻到的同学就这么继续往上堆,闻到的同学会重构一下,但因为系统没有统一的可扩展架构,重构的技法也各不相同,这种代码的不一致性也是一种理解上的复杂度。久而久之,系统就变得复杂难维护。像典型的 CRM 应用,有 N 个业务方,每个业务方又有 N 个租户,如果都要用 if-else 判断业务差异,那简直就是惨绝人寰。其实这种扩展点(Extension Point),或者叫插件(Plug-in)的设计在架构设计中是非常普遍的。比较成功的案例有 eclipse 的 plug-in 机制,星环系统等。还有一个扩展性需求就是字段扩展,这一点对 SaaS 应用尤为重要,因为有很多客户定制化需求,但是我们很多系统也没有统一的字段扩展方案。
不合理的业务封装是一个相对宽泛的概念,其具体的表现譬如面向过程而不是对象、分层不合理等。面向对象不仅是一个语言,更是一种思维方式,但是很多时候我们更会用事务脚本的方式,面向过程地来编写代码。譬如 DDD 最大的好处是将业务语义显现化,把原先晦涩难懂的业务算法逻辑,通过领域对象(Domain Object),统一语言(Ubiquitous Language)将领域概念清晰的显性化表达出来。
Model‐Driven Design is the process of binding an analysis model to a code implementation model, ensuring that both stay in sync and are useful during evolution.Model‐Driven Design differs from DDD in that it is focused on implementation and any constraints that may require changes to an initial model, whereas DDD focuses on language, collaboration, and domain knowledge.
Historically, the capturing of requirements for software systems was seen as an activity that could occur long before coding was due to start. Business experts would talk to business analysts, who in turn would talk to architects, who would produce an analysis model based on all the information from the problem domain. This analysis model would then be handed over to the developers, along with wireframes and work flow diagrams, so they could build the system.
As developers start to implement the analysis model in code, they often find a mismatch between the high‐level artifacts produced by architects and the reality of building the system. However, at this stage there is often no feedback loop for developers to talk to the business and architects, so the analysis model can be updated and their input enacted. Instead, the developers diverge from the analysis model, and their implementation often overlooks important and descriptive domain terms and concepts that would have provided deeper insight and understanding of the domain.
As the development team further evolves away from the analysis model, it becomes less and less useful. Crucial insight into the model is lost as the development team focuses on abstracting technical concerns instead of business concepts. In the end the job gets done, but the code bears no reflection to the original analysis model. The business still believes the original analysis models are correct and is unaware of the alterations within the code model.
事先设计(Upfront Design)的弊端在于,随着业务的变化,因为领域专家与技术人员有不同的模型理解,代码库会变得失去控制:
最好的约束就是在架构层面,通过 Lint 或者运行时检测的方式针对不符合规范的代码报错或者抛出异常。在架构的约束之外,我们还需要靠 Code Review 来随时发现不合适或者 Bad Smell 的代码。