


. /path/to/your/functions.sh

创建一个名为 myfunctions.sh 的功能文件:

# set variables
declare -r TRUE=0
declare -r FALSE=1
declare -r PASSWD_FILE=/etc/passwd

# Purpose: Converts a string to lower case
# Arguments:
#   $1 -> String to convert to lower case
function to_lower()
    local str="$@"
    local output
    output=$(tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'<<<"${str}")
    echo $output
# Purpose: Display an error message and die
# Arguments:
#   $1 -> Message
#   $2 -> Exit status (optional)
function die()
    local m="$1"	# message
    local e=${2-1}	# default exit status 1
    echo "$m"
    exit $e
# Purpose: Return true if script is executed by the root user
# Arguments: none
# Return: True or False
function is_root()
   [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ] && return $TRUE || return $FALSE

# Purpose: Return true $user exits in /etc/passwd
# Arguments: $1 (username) -> Username to check in /etc/passwd
# Return: True or False
function is_user_exits()
    local u="$1"
    grep -q "^${u}" $PASSWD_FILE && return $TRUE || return $FALSE


您可以将 myfunctions.sh 加载到当前的 shell 环境中,输入:

. myfunctions.sh
. /path/to/myfunctions.sh

创建一个名为 functionsdemo.sh 的脚本:

# Load the  myfunctions.sh
# My local path is /home/vivek/lsst2/myfunctions.sh
. /home/vivek/lsst2/myfunctions.sh

# Define local variables
# var1 is not visitable or used by myfunctions.sh
var1="The Mahabharata is the longest and, arguably, one of the greatest epic poems in any language."

# Invoke the is_root()
is_root && echo "You are logged in as root." || echo "You are not logged in as root."

# Find out if user account vivek exits or not
is_user_exits "vivek" && echo "Account found." || echo "Account not found."

# Display $var1
echo -e "*** Orignal quote: \n${var1}"

# Invoke the to_lower()
# Pass $var1 as arg to to_lower()
# Use command substitution inside echo
echo -e "*** Lowercase version: \n$(to_lower ${var1})"


source 命令可用于将任何函数文件加载到当前的 Shell 脚本或命令提示符中。它从给定的 FILENAME 中读取并执行命令,然后返回。$PATH 中的路径名用于查找包含 FILENAME 的目录。如果提供了任何 ARGUMENTS,则它们将在执行 FILENAME 时成为位置参数。

source filename [arguments]
source functions.sh
source /path/to/functions.sh arg1 arg2
source functions.sh WWWROOT=/apache.jail PHPROOT=/fastcgi.php_jail

创建一个名为 mylib.sh 的 shell 脚本,如下所示:

   [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ] && return $TRUE || return $FALSE

保存并关闭文件。现在,您可以在脚本 test.sh 中使用以下语法从 mylib.sh 调用和使用函数 is_root():

# Load the  mylib.sh using source comamnd
source mylib.sh

echo "JAIL_ROOT is set to $JAIL_ROOT"

# Invoke the is_root() and show message to user
is_root && echo "You are logged in as root." || echo "You are not logged in as root."

我们前面的示例可以使用 source 命令更新,如下所示:

# load myfunctions.sh function file
source /home/vivek/lsst2/myfunctions.sh

# local variable
quote="He WHO Sees me in all things, and ALL things in me, is never far from me, and I am never far from him."

# invoke is_root()
is_root && echo "You are a superuser." || echo "You are not a superuser."

# call to_lower() with ${quote}
to_lower ${quote}


递归函数是重复调用自身的函数。递归调用的数量没有限制。创建一个名为 fact.sh 的 shell 脚本:

# fact.sh - Shell script to to find factorial of given command line arg
  local i=$1
  local f
  declare -i i
  declare -i f

  # factorial() is called until the value of $f is returned and is it is <= 2
  # This is called the recursion
  [ $i -le 2 ] && echo $i || { f=$(( i - 1)); f=$(factorial $f); f=$(( f * i )); echo $f; }

# display usage
[ $# -eq 0 ] && { echo "Usage: $0 number"; exit 1; }

# call factorial
factorial $1


& 运算符将命令放在后台,并释放终端。您也可以在后台放置一个函数。

  echo "Do something"
  sleep 1

# put a function in the background
name &

# do something

在执行磁带备份时,您可以显示一系列点(进度条)。这对于用户或操作员显示进度条很有用。创建一个名为 progressdots.sh 的 shell 脚本:

# progressdots.sh - Display progress while making backup
# Based on idea presnted by nixCraft forum user rockdalinux
# Show progress dots
  echo -n "$0: Please wait..."
  while true
    echo -n "."
    sleep 5

    # put backup commands here
    tar -zcvf /dev/st0 /home >/dev/null 2>&1

# Start it in the background
progress &

# Save progress() PID
# You need to use the PID to kill the function

# Start backup
# Transfer control to dobackup()

# Kill progress
kill $MYSELF >/dev/null 2>&1

echo -n "...done."