TensorFlow Learning & Practices List | TensorFlow 资料索引
Overview | 概述
2017-TensorFlow demystified: To understand a new framework, Google’s TensorFlow is a framework for machine-learning calculations, it is often useful to see a ‘toy’ example and learn from it.
2017-TensorFlow 代码解析:本文由浅入深的阐述Tensor 和Flow 的概念。先介绍了TensorFlow 的核心概念和基本概述,然后剖析了OpKernels 模块、Graph 模块、Session 模块。 -
2017-TensorFlow 入门级解读:矩阵、多特征线性和逻辑回归:本文是日本东京TensorFlow 聚会联合组织者Hin Khor 所写的TensorFlow 系列介绍文章。 -
2019- 一文看尽TensorFlow “奋斗史”!: TensorFlow 的“奋斗史”包括三个章节:锋芒初露(0.1) ,中原逐鹿(1.0) ,王者归来(2.0) 。
Case Study | 案例分析
2017-Top Five Use Cases of TensorFlow: TensorFlow is mainly used for: Classification, Perception, Understanding, Discovering, Prediction and Creation.
2018-Google Brain 研究员详解聊天机器人: 面临的深度学习技术问题以及基于TensorFlow 的开发实践。
Resource | 资源集锦
Awesome TensorFlow 🗃️: A curated list of awesome TensorFlow experiments, libraries, and projects. Inspired by awesome-machine-learning.
TensorFlow-World-Resources 🗃️: Organized & Useful Resources about Deep Learning with TensorFlow
Tutorial | 教程
TensorFlow 用作计算框架: 如果你刚刚接触TensorFlow 并想使用其来作为计算框架,那么本文是你的一个很好的选择,阅读它相信会对你有所帮助。 -
2017-We Need to Go Deeper: A Practical Guide to TensorFlow and Inception
2018-Tensorflow: The Confusing Parts #Series#: This tutorial is intended for people who already have some experience with both programming and machine learning, and want to pick up Tensorflow.
Concepts | 概念
2016-TensorFlow in a Nutshell — Part One: Basics: The fast and easy guide to the most popular Deep Learning framework in the world.
2016-TensorFlow 架构: TF 的特点之一就是可以支持很多种设备,大到GPU 、CPU,小到手机平板,五花八门的设备都可以跑起来TF 。 -
2017-Deep Learning in 7 lines of code: The essence of machine learning is recognizing patterns within data. This boils down to 3 things: data, software and math. What can be done in seven lines of code you ask? A lot.
2017-We Need to Go Deeper: A Practical Guide to TensorFlow and Inception
2017-How to use Dataset in TensorFlow: This article will explain the basic mechanics of the Dataset, covering the most common use cases.
Series | 系列教程
2015-tensorflow_tutorials #Series#: From the basics to slightly more interesting applications of TensorFlow
2017-Effective TensorFlow #Series#: My attempt is to gradually expand this series by adding new articles and keep the content up to date with the latest releases of TensorFlow API.
2017-TensorFlow 101 #Series#: TensorFlow is an open source machine learning library developed at Google. TensorFlow uses data flow graphs for numerical computations.
2017-TensorFlow-World #Series#: This repository is aimed to provide simple and ready-to-use tutorials for TensorFlow.
2018-easy-tensorflow, Simple and comprehensive tutorials in TensorFlow #Series#: The goal of this repository is to provide comprehensive tutorials for TensorFlow while maintaining the simplicity of the code.
2018-stanford-tensorflow-tutorials #Series#: This repository contains code examples for the course CS 20: TensorFlow for Deep Learning Research.
2018-TensorFlow Course #Series#: This repository aims to provide simple and ready-to-use tutorials for TensorFlow. Each tutorial includes source code and most of them are associated with a documentation.
2019-TensorFlow 2.x Tutorials #Series#: TensorFlow 2.x version’
s Tutorials and Examples, including CNN, RNN, GAN, Auto-Encoders, FasterRCNN, GPT, BERT examples, etc. TF 2.0 版入门实例代码,实战教程。 -
2020-eat_tensorflow2_in_30_days #Series#: Tensorflow2.0 🍎🍊 is delicious, just eat it! 😋😋