2017-Blockchain chaincode for Java developers: How to write chaincode for Hyperledger Fabric v0.6 using the Java language.
CryptoList 🗃️: Curated collection of blockchain & cryptocurrency links.
2018-Why Decentralization Matters: Cryptonetworks are a powerful way to develop community-owned networks and provide a level playing field for 3rd-party developers, creators, and businesses.
Case Study
2016-从概念到底层技术,一篇文看懂重塑世界的区块链: 区块链是目前一个比较热门的新概念,蕴含了技术与金融两层概念。从技术角度来看,这是一个牺牲一致性效率且保证最终一致性的的分布式的数据库,当然这是比较片面的。从经济学的角度来看,这种容错能力很强的点对点网络,恰恰满足了共享经济的一个必须要求——低成本的可信环境。
2018-比特币的学术谱系: 本文回顾了比特币和区块链的学术谱系,展示了其组合创新的典范。
- 2019-区块链不仅是技术,更是新的机制设计: 区块链不仅仅是一种集成技术,更是一种去中心、信息共享、共识的新组织形式,其规则设计旨在依靠网络结构中多个节点之间的博弈,来实现更大范围和更深层次的复杂交易,并以计算机应用程序和算法的形式展现。
- 2019-Mastering Bitcoin》📚: Mastering Bitcoin is a book for developers, although the first two chapters cover bitcoin at a level that is also approachable to non-programmers. Anyone with a basic understanding of technology can read the first two chapters to get a great understanding of bitcoin.
- awesome-blockchain: 收集所有区块链(BlockChain)技术开发相关资料,包括 Fabric 和 Ethereum 开发资料
- Blockgeeks #Blog#: Blockgeeks is a leading online learning platform that helps anyone learn Blockchain in business, software, technology and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals.
2018-BlockShell : A command line utility for learning Blockchain technical concepts likechaining, mining, proof of work etc.
2018-The Complete Guide to Kickstart Blockchain Development: Cryptocurrencies, ICOs, magic internet money — it’s all so exciting, and you are the eager developer, want to get in on the madness.
2017-A blockchain in 200 lines of code: This makes understanding blockchains a necessarily harder task, than it must be. Especially source-code-wisely. Here I will go through a super-simple blockchain I implemented in 200 lines of Javascript called NaiveChain.
2017-NodeJS blockchain implementation: BrewChain: Chain+WebSockets+HTTP Server: In this tutorial you’ll lean to create BrewChain - a verifiable chain of which member of the team made a brew and when.
2018-Chicco Coin: Learn what is a blockchain by creating one.
2017-Crackcoin: Crackcoin is a very basic blockchain-free cryptocurrency PoC in Python.
2017-Let’s Build the Tiniest Blockchain: In Less Than 50 Lines of Python.
2017-Dumbcoin : An educational python implementation of a bitcoin-like blockchain
- Building Blockchain in Go #Series#: A simplified blockchain implementation in Golang.