Vue.js Syntax List | Vue.js 基础语法资料索引
- Let’s Build a Custom Vue Router: In this article, we’ll build a simple custom client-side router with Vue.
Component | 组件语法
- 2017-Getting Your Head Around Vue.js Scoped Slots: In this article, I’ll demonstrate how I used scoped slots to build a reusable list component.
Style | 组件样式
2017-Using SASS/SCSS in Vue 2: This blog gives you a brief description on how to include SASS/SCSS styling files in your vue.js files.
在 Vue 项目中使用第三方库:本文介绍了如何在基于单文件模块的 Vue 项目中使用 Lodash、Moment、Axios 这些优秀的第三方库或框架。本文递进地介绍了譬如全局变量引用、单文件导入、扩展 Vue 对象、插件实现等多种方式。
Animation | 动画
2017-Animation and Data Visualization with Vue: Animation can explain whatever the mind can conceive. When animation is functionally applied to a website or app, the event flow can easily map with the user’s ability to navigate through the app.
2017-Creating Vue.js Transitions & Animation: Live Examples : I’ve prepared live demos on CodePen, code snippets, and an open source GitHub repo for you guys.
Component Dataflow | 组件数据流
- 2017-Vue Component Communication Patterns: There are several methods that can be used for inter-component communication in Vue. Normal props and events should be sufficient for most cases, but there are other methods available at your disposal as well.