Vue.js Development Practices List | Vue.js 工程实践资料索引
Vue 实用技巧:本文来自于饿了么大前端的 cinwell, Vue 2.0 已经发布了有一段时间,生态链也日渐完善。作者在使用 Vue 开发项目时收集的一些工具和使用技巧,分享给各位。( )
滴滴 webapp 5.0 Vue 2.0 重构经验分享:滴滴的 webapp 是运行在微信、支付宝、手 Q 以及其它第三方渠道的打车软件。借着产品层面的功能和视觉升级,我们用 Vue 2.0 对它进行了一次技术重构;本文即是本次重构中的经验分享。( )
How we do Vue: one year later: How we, at GitLab, write VueJS, one year later.
2017-A Look at Angular Alongside Vue: wanted to get a sense of how it compared, how it works, and how it feels to develop an app with it. I spent a few days on and off learning parts of Vue to write a small app.
Pattern | 模式
- 2018-vue-patterns: Useful Vue patterns, techniques, tips and tricks and helpful curated links.
StyleGuide | 样式指南
2017-Writing Vue Components with Flow: Getting Flow to work with Vue is a bit tricky as it involves several dependencies and minor configuration tweaks to make them all work properly together, so let’s start out by installing those first.
2017-Vue 组件样式指南:该样式指南提供了一种统一架构 Vue 代码的建议,其目标是达成易于开发者与团队成员理解以及寻找东西、易于 IDE 来审查代码并且提供帮助、易于重用开发构建工具、易于独立地缓存与使用代码块。该指南借鉴了 RiotJS样式指南,主要还包含了以下几个部分:基于模块开发、Vue 组件命名,等等。
2017-Deep dive into Vue2.5 Typing – A tour of advanced typing feature: Vue 2.5 improves TypeScript definition! Before that, TS users will have to use class component API to get proper typing, but now canonical API is both precise and concise with few compromises!
2018-How to Structure a Vue.js Project: The perfect Vue.js folder structure and component architecture with smart and dumb components.
Static Type
2017-Vue.js with TypeScript: This post explores how I refactored the Vue app to use TypeScript.
2018-TypeScript + 大型项目实战: TypeScript 已经出来很久了,很多大公司很多大项目也都在使用它进行开发。上个月,我这边也正式跟进一个对集团的大型运维类项目。
Test | 测试
2017-Five Traps to Avoid While Unit Testing Vue.js: In the blog, the author will show you concrete steps you can use in your day-to-day work, walking through Vue.js examples, and help you to avoid five traps: waiting until the end, testing the wrong things, test doubles, structural coupling, testing everything.
2017-Write blazing fast Vue unit tests with Tape and Vue Test Utils: In this article, we’ll see how to write Vue unit tests with Tape and Vue Test Utils.