React Internals List | React 内部原理解析
2017-React Internals: In this five part series, we will “recreate” React from the ground up, learning how it works along the way. Once we’ve finished, you should have a good grasp of how React works, and when and why it calls the various lifecycle methods of a component.
2019-React as a UI Runtime: This is a deep dive — THIS IS NOT a beginner-friendly post. In this post, I’m describing most of the React programming model from first principles. I don’t explain how to use it — just how it works.
Virtual DOM
2017-react diff 原理:React diff 作为 Virtual DOM 的加速器,其算法上的改进优化是 React 整个界面渲染的基础,以及性能提高的保障,同时也是 React 源码中最神秘、最不可思议的部分,本文将剖析 React diff 的不可思议之处。
Why is React’s concept of virtual DOM said to be moreperformant than dirty model checking?
Component System | 组件系统
- The React and React Native Event System Explained: A Harmonious Coexistence: You’re using it. You’re liking it. But did you know what React’s event handler is doing under the hood?
Stack Reconciler
2017-react-reconciler-demo : A simple implementation of React’s stack reconciler. This is much different from the real implementation, but demonstrates the concepts.
2017-React Fiber resources 🗃️: This is for resources for React Fiber.
2017-A look inside React Fiber - how work will get done.: This post will go outside-in - starting from calling the render function in client JS and changing state of a component, down to describing the steps taken by Fiber to do all the work.
2017-React Fiber Architecture: A description of React’s new core algorithm, React Fiber.
2017-React 的新引擎 — React Fiber 是什么?:稍有经验的前端工程师会知道,页面的 DOM 改变,就会导致页面重新计算 DOM,进行重绘或者重排,DOM 结构复杂或者频繁操作 DOM 通常是性能瓶颈产生的原因。而网站从最开始比较简单,开始变的越来越复杂,用户交互也会越来越多,怎么去减轻 DOM 操作带来的性能损耗就变得重要起来。
2017-React Fiber 是什么:React Fiber 这个大改变 Facebook 已经折腾两年多了,刚刚结束不久的 React Conf 2017 会议上,Facebook 终于确认,React Fiber 会搭上 React 下一个大版本 v16 的顺风车发布。
2017-React 新引擎 React Fiber 究竟要解决什么问题?: Facebook 正在以流行的 JavaScript 框架 React 为基础开发一个全新的架构。这个名为 React Fiber 的全新设计改变了检测变更的方法和时机,借此可改进浏览器端和其他渲染设备的响应速度。这一 全新架构 最初已于 2016 年 7 月公开发布,其中蕴含着过去多年来 Facebook 不断改进的工作成果。该架构可向后兼容,彻底重写了 React 的协调(Reconciliation )算法。该过程可用于确定出现变更的具体时间,并将变更传递给渲染器。
Didact Fiber: Incremental reconciliation: In this post we are going to rewrite most of the code from the didact series to follow React 16 new architecture.
Async Rendering
2018-Beyond React 16: Time Slicing and Suspense API: Learn what’s coming to ReactJS. Get a sneak peek of the powerful features that will grace ReactJS soon.
2018-React suspense and server rendering: The recently revealed React suspense functionality has the potential to solve a lot of the current pain points in server rendering.
2018-Understanding React “Suspense”: In short: the new feature allows you to defer rendering part of your application tree until some condition is met (for example data from an endpoint or a resource is loaded).
2018-A Walkthrough of that React Suspense Demo:I’m a recent bootcamp grad. You’re not reading the divinings of some thought leader here. I’m just some guy learning in public.