Java Syntax List | Java 语法基础资料索引
ControlFlow | 流程控制
Modularity | 模块化
2017-Building Java 9 Modules With Gradle: In this guide, you’ll learn exactly what you need to change in your Java application to modules with gradle
2017-Is Jigsaw good or is it wack?: Jigsaw is the name of a the project to build a Java Platform Module System (JPMS) into the Java 9 platform. Yesterday some of the members of the JPMS expert group published an open letter that, to not put too fine a point on it, damns the design of the new system and states that nobody should use it.
2016-Java 9 的模块化–壮士断"腕"的涅槃:这可能是 Java 有史以来最大的 Feature,它将自己长期依赖 All-in-one/Environment 的结构,转身为 Module 为基础的组件。
2017-Using Java 9 Modularization to Ship Zero-Dependency Native Apps
Error Handle | 异常处理
2018-Java’s Mysterious Interrupt: One of the lesser known parts of Java is InterruptedException.
2018-11 Mistakes Java Developers make when Using Exceptions: See the 11 mistakes Java Developers make when using Exceptions.
Meta Programming
2017-Java 元编程及其应用:可以说,社区内,成功的 web 框架中基本没有不强依赖元编程技术的,框架做的工作越多,应用编写就越轻松。