Java Functional Programming List
2017-Immutables : Java annotation processors to generate simple, safe and consistent value objects. Do not repeat yourself, try Immutables, the most comprehensive tool in this field!
2017-Java 8 idioms #Series#: Think declaratively to adopt functional techniques in your Java programs.
2017-Java Lambda Internals #Series#: 本系列文章不打算去争论“什么才算是一门真正的函数式语言”这类问题。我们会将重点放在如何使用 Java Lambda 表达式,如何使用 stream,以及二者背后的原理。
2018-精练代码:一次 Java 函数式编程的重构之旅: 通过一次并发处理数据集的 Java 代码重构之旅,展示函数式编程如何使得代码更加精练。
Stream | 流
2017-Java Streams cheat sheet: This blog post discusses the streams API, but if you’re impatient, here’s the 1 page Java 8 streams cheat sheet, click on it, save it, print it out!
2018-The Java 8 Stream API Tutorial: In this in-depth tutorial, we will go through the practical usage of Java 8 Streams from creation to parallel execution.